We won 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 5 Bronzes in this tournament.
2024年空手BC州大会でメダルを獲得された皆さん、おめでとうございます! あなたの努力、献身、スキルが報われました。 これからも素晴らしい仕事を続けて、あなたの成功で他の人にインスピレーションを与え続けてください!
このトーナメントで私たちは金 1 個、銀 1 個、銅 5 個を獲得しました。
Congratulations to all the medal winners in the 2024 Karate BC Provincial Tournament! Your hard work, dedication, and skill have paid off. Keep up the great work and continue to inspire others with your success!
We won 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 5 Bronzes in this tournament. 2024年空手BC州大会でメダルを獲得された皆さん、おめでとうございます! あなたの努力、献身、スキルが報われました。 これからも素晴らしい仕事を続けて、あなたの成功で他の人にインスピレーションを与え続けてください! このトーナメントで私たちは金 1 個、銀 1 個、銅 5 個を獲得しました。
It is an immense pride to announce the remarkable achievements of our dojo's 29 candidates at the 51st Steveston Karate Tournament. Your dedication, perseverance, and spirit have truly shone through, culminating in an impressive medal tally of 6 golds, 9 silvers, and 30 bronzes.
As martial artists, we understand that victory is not solely measured by the color and the number of medals but by the growth and resilience forged in the fires of adversity. So, to those who tasted defeat, I urge you to embrace this moment as an opportunity for growth. Train harder, push further, and believe in your abilities, for the true essence of karate lies not in the outcome of a single tournament but in the unwavering pursuit of self-improvement. At last, Congratulations and thank you to all of you. May the spirit of karate continue to guide and inspire us all. 第 51 回スティーブストン空手トーナメントで当道場の 29 名の候補者の目覚ましい成果を発表できることを大変光栄に思います。 皆さんの献身、忍耐力、そして精神は真に輝き、金メダル 6 個、銀メダル 9 個、銅メダル 30 個という素晴らしいメダル数を獲得しました。 私たちは格闘家として、勝利はメダルの色や数だけで測られるのではなく、逆境の中で鍛えられた成長と回復力によって測られることを理解しています。 ですから、敗北を味わった人たちには、この瞬間を成長の機会として受け止めてほしいと思います。 空手の真の本質は 1 回のトーナメントの結果ではなく、自己向上への揺るぎない追求にあるため、よりハードにトレーニングし、さらにプッシュし、自分の能力を信じてください。 最後に、おめでとうございます、そして皆さんに感謝します。 空手の精神が私たち全員を導き、インスピレーションを与え続けますように。 "In order to stand on a podium, you should first push yourself to the limit."
Congratulations to all participants from Team WSK Sekishinkan, who won a medal in the 2023 Canada Open Karate Tournament on Saturday, December 2, 2023 at the Olympic Oval. Our Team achieved a total of 3 Gold, 2 Silver, and 4 Bronze medals. For those who didn't receive anything, remember this is still a great experience for you. Think about how to improve and what you should do, so that you can stand on that Podium in the next year. Never give up, please! 「表彰台に立つためには、まず自分を限界まで追い込む必要がある。」 2023年12月2日土曜日、オリンピックオーバルで開催される2023年カナダオープン空手大会でメダルを獲得したチーム WSK赤心館の参加者の皆様、おめでとうございます。 私たちのチームは、合計で金メダル 3 個、銀メダル 2 個、銅メダル 4 個を獲得しました。 何も受け取らなかった人にとって、これはあなたにとって素晴らしい経験であることを忘れないでください。 来年その表彰台に立てるように、どう改善し、何をすべきかを考えてください。 決して諦めないでください。 ----------------------- WSK Sekishinkan Goju-Ryu Karatedo 赤心館 剛柔流 空手道 SUBSCRIBE - so you don’t miss NEW videos ⇩ https://youtube.com/c/sekishinkan FOLLOW - so you know what's happening around us! URL: www.sekishinkan.com FB: facebook.com/sekishinkankarate IG: instagram.com/sekishinkankarate Twitter: Twitter.com/Sekishinkan A new kickstart of the Sato Cup was hosted at BCIT on Saturday, November 4, 2023. This is the first tournament in the year of 2023-2024 and we are well-prepared for this.
Team Sekishinkan has 16 members with 24 entries for individual events and team events. With the great support from Parents and Instructors, I am glad to announce another success of Team Sekishinkan. We have achieved a total of 20 medals in this event. Although some may not come home with a medal, please remember the experience you gain is worth much more than everything else. There are more chances there for you so please just keep up with your effort in the training, our instructors are there to help at any time. The following are the results of 2023 Sato Cup Karate Tournament: Charlotte Kwong: 1st Place of Girls Kata 7 years and under (novice) 3rd Place of Team Kata, 12 years and under (non-elite) Shayda Pascua 1st Place of Girls Kata 8-9 years (novice) Tracy Fung 3rd Place of Girls Kata 8-9 years (intermediate) Ruhan Adhikary 3rd Place of Boys Kata 8-9 years (Novice) Orion Lee 3rd Place of Boys Kata 10-11 years (Intermediate) 2nd Place of Team Kata, 12 years and under (non-elite) Aidan Ma 1st Place of Boys Kata 8-9 years (novice) 3rd Place of Boys Kata 10-11 years (novice) 3rd Place of Team Kata, 12 years and under (non-elite) Winston Ma 2nd Place of Boys Kata 8-9 years (novice) 2nd Place of Boys Kata 10-11 years (novice) 3rd Place of Team Kata, 12 years and under (non-elite) Leo Chan 2nd Place of Boys Kata 10-11 years (Intermediate) 2nd Place of Boys Kata 12-13 years (Intermediate) 2nd Place of Team Kata, 12 years and under (non-elite) Elias Esnaola 3rd Place of Boys Kata 10-11 years (novice) 2nd Place of Team Kata, 12 years and under (non-elite) Hilary Chan 2nd Place of Girls Kata 12-13 years (Intermediate) 2nd Place of Girls Kata 14-15 years (Intermediate) サトウカップの新たなキックスタートが、2023年11月4日土曜日にBCITで開催されました。これは2023年から2024年の最初のトーナメントであり、私たちはこれに向けて十分な準備をしています。 チーム赤心館は部員16名、個人種目、団体種目合わせて24名がエントリー。 保護者の皆様、指導者の皆様の多大なるご支援のおかげで、チーム赤心館のさらなる活躍を報告できることを嬉しく思います。 この大会で合計20個のメダルを獲得しました。 メダルを持って帰ってこない人もいるかもしれませんが、得た経験は他の何よりも価値があることを忘れないでください。 チャンスはまだまだありますので、トレーニングに頑張って続けてください。私たちのインストラクターがいつでもお手伝いします。 ----------------------- WSK Sekishinkan Goju-Ryu Karatedo 赤心館 剛柔流 空手道 🔔 SUBSCRIBE - so you don’t miss NEW videos ⇩ https://youtube.com/c/sekishinkan 😊 FOLLOW - so you know what's happening around us! URL: www.sekishinkan.com FB: facebook.com/sekishinkankarate IG: instagram.com/sekishinkankarate Twitter: Twitter.com/Sekishinkan First, I would like to congratulate those WSK Sekishinkan members who got a medal in the 50th Steveston Karate Tournament. Your effort and discipline are rewarded. Well done! For those who might miss or wasn’t very well-prepared, please do not give up. Today’s little success or defeat doesn’t offset you hard work. In fact, these are all experience for you to go on, and all these together build the special oneself.
LEO CHAN 8-9 Years Boys Novice Kata – Gold medal Jr Team Kata Novice – Silver medal Paddle Kumite - Copper medal RAI DIMAS 10-11 Years Boys Novice Kata – Silver medal Jr Team Kata Novice – Gold medal Paddle Kumite - Silver medal HILARY CHAN 10-11Years Girls Novice Kata – Gold medal Jr Team Kata Novice – Gold medal Paddle Kumite - Bronze medal CHARLOTTE KWONG 7 Years and under (Mix) Novice Kata – Silver medal Jr Team Kata Novice – Bronze medal Paddle Kumite - Silver medal TRACY FUNG 8-9 Years Girls Novice Kata – Gold medal Jr Team Kata Novice – Silver medal Paddle Kumite - Copper medal ORION LEE 10-11 Years Boys Novice Kata – Gold medal Jr Team Kata Novice – Gold medal Paddle Kumite - Copper medal AIDAN MA Jr Team Kata Novice – Bronze medal Paddle Kumite - Copper medal WINSTON MA 8-9 Years Boys Novice Kata – Bronze medal Jr Team Kata Novice – Bronze medal Paddle Kumite - Copper medal OKA WARDHANA Jr Team Kata Novice – Silver medal Paddle Kumite - Copper medal MARK LOW Master Men Kata Advanced to Blackbelt – Silver medal WILLIAM LI Paddle Kumite - Gold medal CONSTANTINE LEUNG Paddle Kumite - Bronze medal SHAYDA PASCUA Paddle Kumite - Bronze medal RUHAN ADHIKARY Paddle Kumite - Copper medal MILO LEUNG Paddle Kumite - Copper medal LOGAN RANDLE Paddle Kumite - Copper medal NOVA LEE Paddle Kumite - Copper medal CELINA LOCHAM Paddle Kumite - Copper medal Congratulations to the WSK Sekishinkan Team for their outstanding performance at the 2022 Canada Open Karate Tournament! During the morning session on Saturday, December 3, 2022, the team achieved remarkable success, securing a total of six medals:
2022年カナダオープン空手トーナメントで素晴らしい成績を収めたWSK赤心館チームの皆さん、おめでとうございます!2022年12月3日土曜日の午前のセッションで、チームは目覚ましい成功を収め、合計6個のメダルを獲得しました。 金メダル2個 銀メダル2個 銅メダル2個 この素晴らしい成績は、彼らのスキル、献身、そして努力の証です。関係するすべての選手とコーチの皆さん、おめでとうございます! Charlotte Kwong シャーロット・クォン (銅メダル) Bronze, GIRLS 7 & UNDER - KATA ALL BELTS Ruhan Adhikary ルハン・アディカリー (金メダル) Gold, BOYS 8 - KATA NOVICE Orion Lee オリオン・リー (銀メダル) Silver, BOYS 9 - KATA NOVICE Leo Chan レオ・チャン (金メダル) Gold, BOYS 9 - KATA NOVICE Hilary Chan ヒラリー・チャン (銀メダル) Silver, GIRLS 11 - KATA NOVICE Rai Dimas ライ・ディマス (銅メダル) Bronze, BOYS 11 - KATA NOVICE #Karate #gojuryu #Vancouver #Canada #空手道 #剛柔流 #カナダ #練習 #practice #discipline #tournament #speed #persevering #忍耐 #timing #confidence #dreams #distance #shoseikan #勝正館 #Sekishinkan #赤心館
#canadaopenkarate ----------------------- WSK Sekishinkan Goju-Ryu Karatedo 赤心館 剛柔流 空手道 SUBSCRIBE - so you don’t miss NEW videos ⇩ https://youtube.com/c/sekishinkan FOLLOW - so you know what's happening around us! URL: www.sekishinkan.com FB: facebook.com/sekishinkankarate IG: instagram.com/sekishinkankarate Youtube: youtube.com/c/sekishinkan Twitter: Twitter.com/Sekishinkan Confidence, Excitement, Embracing the unknown, Exploring new things, Going for your dreams, Go beyond your limits..... All the above are outside of your comfort zone. Starting from now, we are going to have a special training session in Vancouver dojo for the candidates who will attend the Canada Open Tournament in December 2022. 自信、興奮、未知を受け入れる、新しいものを探求する、夢に向かって突き進む、自分の限界を超える…。これから、2022年12月のカナダオープン大会出場者を対象に、バンクーバー道場で特別稽古を行います。 #Karate #gojuryu #Vancouver #Canada #空手道 #剛柔流 #カナダ #練習 #practice #discipline #tournament #speed #persevering #忍耐 #timing #confidence #dreams #distance #shoseikan #勝正館 #Sekishinkan #赤心館 #canadaopenkarate ----------------------- WSK Sekishinkan Goju-Ryu Karatedo 赤心館 剛柔流 空手道 SUBSCRIBE - so you don’t miss NEW videos ⇩ https://youtube.com/c/sekishinkan FOLLOW - so you know what's happening around us! URL: www.sekishinkan.com FB: facebook.com/sekishinkankarate IG: instagram.com/sekishinkankarate Youtube: youtube.com/c/sekishinkan Twitter: Twitter.com/Sekishinkan 2022 Karate BC Provincial Championship Results.
Congratulations to all of you! Leo Chan - Silver medal 8/9 Boys Kata Novice Orion Lee - Silver medal 8/9 Boys Kata Novice Hilary Chan - Bronze medal 10/11 Girls Kata Novice Rai Dimas - Bronze medal 10/11 Boys Kata Novice Mark Wagner - Bronze medal Men Kata Novice Mark Wagner - Silver medal Men Kumite Novice Congratulations to Tracy Fung, got the Gold Medal in 2021 Canada Open Karate Championship. Well done!
トレイシー・フォン、おめでとうございます。2021年のカナダオープン空手選手権で金メダルを獲得しました。 素晴らしい! Congratulations to all the participants of the Sato Cup 2020! To those who emerged victorious, your dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and you should be immensely proud of your achievements. For those who didn't secure a win this time, remember that each experience is a valuable step towards your growth and future success. Every challenge faced and overcome is a lesson learned, and your perseverance and determination will lead to great accomplishments in future tournaments. Keep training hard, stay focused, and continue to strive for excellence. Your passion and commitment to the sport are commendable, and we look forward to seeing your continued progress and triumphs in the years to come. Orion Lee 1st Place, 7 years and under (Boys) Orange-Black Tracy Fung 1st Place, 7 years and under (Girls) White-Yellow Gary Wong 3rd Place, Men Master (40 years and up) Brown-Black Elite Andew Chan 3rd Place, Men Master (40 years and up) Brown-Black Elite Vincent Wong
4th Place, Men Master (40 years and up) Brown-Black Elite |
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