Kumite (組手), literally translated means "grappling hands", also known as "Sparring" in English. Kumite is one of the major three training components in Karate: Kihon (Basic), Kata (Form) and Kumite (Sparring).
Simply, Karate-ka was trained against an adversary by using the techniques from Kihon and Kata. Kumite is to apply these techniques in a realistic situation. During Kumite, the effective techniques would be performed based on the combination of distance, timing, power, form, and the spirit of the Karate-ka. Kumite also have different training patterns. E.g. Yasoku Kumite, Jiyu Kumite... etc. Nowaday, Kumite in competition is frequently seen as Jiyu Kumite (free sparring). In concern of the safety to the participants, protective guards are used and a series of rules are applied. Most of danger techniques in Karate are prohibited. As a result, some people called it a "Sport Karate" because the limitation of punches, kicks, sweep and takedown in Kumite's competition. Sekishinkan Karate is a traditional Goju-Ryu Karate club. We practice all forms of traditional Kumite under a safety environment. We are also practicing Kumite with WKF standard for competition and tournaments. |